Go then down the first high-speed warp tube and hold right once Sonic comes out of the other end.
From the third photo piece, hop left off the ledge and head to the right through the Booster.Go through the high-speed warp tube on the left of the last photo piece, then hop down the right ledge and continue along the path until the yellow Spring appears.Follow the first blue path at the start, let Sonic get launched into the air at the end, and land on the right.
Then, just use the spring covering the other side to be launched up to the photo piece. Once out, scale the moving platforms and then go into the next high-speed warp tube. Along the topmost route, go through the two loops and hop into the high-speed warp tube.The photo piece will be on the second step of the platform Sonic lands on. From the first Start Post, go right through the loop and launch off the ramp.The platforms sway with Sonic weight's however, so leap with caution. Standing on one of the hovering platforms on either side of the machine allows Sonic to reach Robotnik's vulnerable spot. During this boss battle, Robotnik floats around in the middle of the arena and fires off showers of slow-moving bullets in Sonic's general direction. Robotnik, who floats around in an Egg Mobile-like vehicle with two platforms surrounding him.